Weekly Opportunities:
- Put non-perishable food into the church’s Little Free Pantry cabinet (open 24/7)
- Put non-perishable food and (especially) Personal Care Items in the grocery cart at the back entrance of the church for SECOM (South End Community Outreach Ministries)
- Mentor an East Elementary student through GUMC’s Kids Hope Program ReneeLTerBeek@gmail.com 616-446-4723
Monthly Opportunities:
- Donate to the Hunger Offering every 3rd Sunday. These funds are divided equally among various food outreach ministries at GUMC and in the area.
- Write to a prisoner via 70x7 cards for prisoners www.70x7liferecovery.org
Anytime Opportunities:
- Volunteer at SECOM located at 1545 Buchanan SW Grand Rapids 49507. Call (616) 452-7684 or check out their website www.SecomMinistries.org
- Schedule an appointment online at www.Versiti.org and donate blood with Versiti located at the lower level of the church
- Give to the GUMC Missions Fund. Some of the organizations and people we have supported recently are:
SECOM in Grand Rapids www.secomministries.org
UCOM on Chicago Dr. https://www.ucomgr.org/home
UMCOR national and international disaster relief umcmission.org/umcor
Hope Gardens (establishing and tending gardens at local elementary schools with student involvement) hopegardensgr.org
Exodus Place in Grand Rapids www.exodusplace.org
Samaritas for refugee resettlement www.samaritas.org
Heifer International www.heifer.org
Treetops Collective www.treetopscollective.org
Also: East Elementary school supplies, Grandville Public elementary library books about acceptance and caring, Haiti projects, Neighbors with emergency needs, Groceries for our little free pantry, Oscoda Native American ministries, Streams of Hope/Catherine’s Health Center.