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Scripture Readings

To help us prepare our heart and minds for Worship. . . .

Take time to read the scripture before you attend worship and pray your way into worship.

4th Sunday in Lent

March 6 Luke 13:31-35 

The only thing keeping God’s love from fully filling our lives is our own willfulness. Jesus witnesses to his fidelity to God and God’s fidelity to human beings.  God is far more willing to love us than we are to accept it.  “How often have I wanted to gather your people just as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings.   But you didn’t want that.”  

5th Sunday in Lent

March 13 John 12:1-8 

God’s love is extravagant, enjoy it and share it.  Jesus demonstrates his willingness to bask in God’s extravagant love and by example encourages his disciples to do the same.  Then Jesus said, “Leave her alone.  This perfume was to be used in preparation for my burial, and that is how she used it.”  

6th Sunday in Lent

Palm/Passion Sunday, March 20 

God will not allow the good news of Jesus Christ to be silenced.  From Jeremiah with fire in his bones to Jesus Disciples and stones along the road, the good news of God’s salvation cannot be contained.  What do I, you, we have to shout about?  Are there voices from outside or within us that are trying to shut us up?  He answered, “I tell you, if they were silent, these stones would shout.”