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We’re one of the best-kept secrets in Grandville.  We’re warm, welcoming, kind, caring, giving, practicing Christians, but how will strangers know if we don’t tell them?  Easy--we’re forming an Evangelism Committee.  No, we’re not going door-to-door preaching hellfire and brimstone to people who don’t know us from Adam’s housecat.  But we are going to reach out into the community with random acts of kindness, making better use of our sign, and communicating who we are, what we do and why we’re a really neat congregation that people should investigate.  This is a new venture.  Plans are somewhat nebulous.  If you have some ideas, want to see our congregation grow and want others to experience the same joy you’ve found in knowing God, here’s a place for you to serve.  Call me at 667-3161 or e-mail me at  This is our church.  This is our community.  We can make them better.

Like you, I am in His service,

Sue Nielsen